Age Specific Programs

Little Ninjas (4-6 Year Olds)

For any of our students that are four to six years old, they will be in our Little Ninja’s Program. This age specific course is designed to teach them basic martial arts skills, fitness training and life skills focused on their physical and mental stages of development. Some of the life skills include focus, coordination, teamwork, discipline, and self control. These classes are designed to keep them engaged from bow in to bow out. They will have some classes that are super fun by design and others that are more challenging by design. The martial arts skills they learn will set them up to go into the junior’s class when they turn seven, or rank out of the program. The belt’s are white with a colored stripe through the middle. Ninja Brown Stripe and Ninja Black Stripe have two levels each (one stripe and double stripe). After earning their Ninja Black Double Stripe, they will earn a Yellow White Stripe and can attend the juniors class.The Little Ninja’s will receive an attendance stripe at the end of each month of the color of their next belt. Every three months they will receive a new belt. 

Juniors (7-12Year Olds)

Our Seven to fourteen year olds participate in our juniors classes. We divided our classes by rank. Beginners are White/Yellow/Orange, Intermediates are Blue/Green/Purple, and Advanced are Red/Brown/Black. Each class has a set of curriculum that they must test on before moving into the next skill level class. Advanced brown belts must pass an accumulative test on ALL the curriculum on what is called the Blackbelt Test in order to earn their blackbelt. Juniors will earn an attendance stripe monthly based on attending at least five classes a month. When testing for the next belt rank, students must have an intent to promote form filled out and signed by both their school teacher and parents. Bad remarks on the intent to promote form can hold a student back from earning their next rank. Each belt color also has an advanced level signified by a black stripe through the middle. To rank up to the next belt color, advanced belts must demonstrate and show improvement on the skills they are currently working on in class during testing each month. 

Teens & Adult

Teens and adults may attend our “adult class.” Thirteen and fourteen year olds may also choose to attend this class instead of attending the juniors classes. This class will move at a faster pace and will be for all ranks. This class is taught with a rotating curriculum which means beginner level students may be learning an “advanced” skill. Students are only tested on the skills that are considered to be at their level. The adults follow the same ranking system as the juniors and will receive an attendance stripe based on attending at least five classes a month. Each belt color also has an advanced level signified by a black stripe through the middle. To rank up to the next belt color, advanced belts must demonstrate and show improvement on the skills they are currently working on in class during testing each month.

Sport Martial Arts

Our sport martial arts training takes place on Fridays. We offer Forms, Bo Staff, and Point Sparring classes to teach our students how to compete at tournaments. The other extra cost of participating in those classes are purchasing a bo staff and a set of gear which includes a helmet with face shield, hand pads, feet pads, mouthpiece, chest pad, and groin protector for males. Our forms class teaches traditional and creative style forms. These could be used to perform at competition, talent shows, or as a part of the Demo Team. The competition team travels and competes on a circuit called The Competitors Tour (TCT). Any of our students may participate at these tournaments. Coach Josh can provide all the information and details to get you child, or you started with tournaments.